
Monday, 9 December 2019

Wednesday, 4 December 2019


The Year 6's, 7's & 8's have been working on stitching for this whole week. We were all given a piece of material this big and we have to stitch things that represent us. When we are done, we will sew it all together and place it somewhere in our school.
This is what I have done so far.

Climbing Mount Wellington!

Friday, 29 November 2019

Seismic Challenge: Comic Strip

Above is a comic strip I made of the 'Seismic Challenge' we did back in term 2. It shows the steps we took, but a very summarised version.

WALT: Create a comic strip to tell a story.

Thursday, 28 November 2019


For maths this term, we have been learning about probability. I've learnt a lot of things about probability, like that some of it involves 'chance.' Gambling has a lot to do with chance (and a bit of luck) and it has been our main learning for the past three weeks.

Here is just a small piece of what I have been learning:

Friday, 22 November 2019

@ The New School

My first week here was a bit difficult. I struggled to adjust to my new surroundings, like having to work with a larger group of children and all the new seating spaces. But the thing I find hardest to do here is having to call my classroom ‘Wairua Pakiki 4’ instead of just ‘Room 7’. Though there are a lot of things I miss about my old school, I think having this new building is a good change for us.

Photo was taken next to the new library.