
Friday 23 September 2016

Tongan language week shared lunch

In the cold hollow hall, I sat with room 5 waiting for our mouth-watering food. I could see a giant tank of . Before we got ready to dig into the amazing smelling island food, we said a prayer in Tongan.

And then the war began, everyone reached for a bowl and started pouring all of the delicious food onto their plate.My favourite was the chop suey (because that was the only food leftover). Five minutes later i’m pretty sure that the table was now a desert, just crumbs and slopes of leftovers left to be cleaned. The most of room 5 didn’t get to eat any ( well they should of came over and took some food to eat ).

Tongan language week is special to our school because, most of it is made out of Tongans. Its also very special to all the other Polynesian or Palagi kids because we get to experience what it’s like to be Tongan.

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